Name............. AGA Experience Vol 1
Publisher........  SadENESS Software 
Price............ UK: £19.99 NORWAY: 199kr SWEDEN: 349kr
CDROMs........... 1
Used Space....... 647 MB
Language......... English
Bootable......... No (Floppy Boot Disk Available)
Filesystem....... ISO9660-2
Requirements..... Mouse, keyboard, AGA
Usable Software..

                  Amiga KS1.3+ .............  30%
                  Amiga KS2.1+ .............  40%
                  Amiga KS3.0+ .............  40%
                  Amiga KS3.0+ AGA ......... 100%
                  IBM PC WIN3.1 ............  10%

Release Date..... 1st September 1995

Contents......... 100 MB AGA Utilities
                  150 MB AGA Slideshows
                  100 MB AGA Games
                  200 MB AGA Demos
                  mods, pics, objects +++

Access Software.. User friendly Workbench interface, with Magic WB 
                  icons etc.


Testers Opinion.. "Far from a cheap shovelware compilation, The AGA
                  Experience is one of the best ways of catching up on all the
                  latest not so serious Amiga PD. This is well worth taking a 
                  look at if you want a good cross section of PD."
                  Rating: 90%                    (CU Amiga Magazine Dec 1995)

                  Rating: 90%               (Amiga User International Jan 96)

                  Rating: 93%                                  (Amiga Format)

                  Rating: 8/10                              (Amiga Computing)

                  Rating: 90%                                 (Amiga Shopper)

Keywords......... Games, demos, utilities, PD, SW, raytracing,
                  pictures, music

Sources.......... Richard Brown / SAdENESS Software
                  Johan Eriksson
                   Anders Bakkevold 

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